Dec 26, 2012

ISO8124:2012 issued

Revised ISO toy safety standard released

In the run-up to the end-of-year holiday season, a revised and improved ISO standard aims to reduce even further the risk of a child being injured by unsafe toys.

The improved ISO 8124-1:2012, Safety of toys - Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties, defines requirements and test methods for toys intended for use by children under 14 years of age, and sets age limits for various requirements. Appropriate warnings and/or instructions for use on certain toys or their packaging are also given.

In an ongoing effort to toughen toy safety, ISO technical committee ISO/TC 181, Safety of toys, is expanding the series with the development of two additional parts: Part 5: Determination of total concentration of certain elements in toys; and Part 6: Toys and children's products - Determination of phthalate plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride plastics. The two parts are expected to be published in 2014.

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