Feb 19, 2013

Play Yards Safety requirement: by CPSIA ASTM F406-12

Beginning Feb. 28, 2013, manufacturers and importers of infant and toddler play yards are required to test their play yards to ensure that they meet new federal safety standards (refering to ASTM F 406-12, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards).

Play yards are framed enclosures with a floor and mesh or fabric side panels. Most can be folded for storage or travel.
Play yards that meet the new safety standard must have:
  • Side rails that do not form a sharp V when the product is folded. This prevents a child from strangling in the side rail.
  • Stronger corner brackets to prevent sharp-edged cracks and to prevent a side-rail collapse.
  • Sturdier mattress attachments to the play yard floor to prevent children from getting trapped or hurt.

The new play yard standard is one of many safety standards that CPSC has passed as part of the Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act, or what we call “Danny’s Law.” Danny Keysar was killed in Chicago in 1998 when a previously recalled play yard in which he was napping collapsed, suffocating him. This new play yard standard was completed in honor of Danny and his family.

Amendment details:
CPSC news:


  1. Is there a list of products out there on the retail market that meet these specs?

    1. You may find a list by amazon as below:
